
Tidal zone experiences

Datum: Van donderdag 20 april 2023 tot donderdag 25 mei 2023 Afgelopen
Organisatie: Crosstalks x Pilar
Exhibition curated by The Platform for Algae Diplomacy
Locatie: Pilar Expo (Second & Third Floor)
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6
1050 Brussels
Meer info:

Tidal Zone Experiences is an exhibition of the Platform for Algae Diplomacy, created by the Brussels-based artists Filip Van Dingenen and Hélène Meyer. In a playful way the Platform for Algae Diplomacy studies seaweed rights and seaweed spirits. It encourages the visitor to be open to knowledge and guidance of local communities, plants and other-than-human entities.

This exhibition examines how seaweed communities interact with sea plants and how they inhabit and entangle with complex ecosystems. It also explores how other-than-human encounters can be validated and can give us directions to connect with the broader OCEAN as a SPACE // CRITICAL ZONE.

Learning from the ocean as a space (highlighted event)

A conversation on territory and migration with artist Filip Van Dingenen, researcher Marc Kochzius and Joost Wouters from The Seaweed Company .

Taking the ocean as a space, one could ask: what can humans learn from sea plants or macroalgae (seaweed) in terms of migration? Just as flying is a form of thinking for birds, the floating movements in oceanic space are important for kelps & algae. How and what can we – humans – learn from the 'choreographic conditions' generated by tidal patterns and moon phases when guided by seaweed and kelp? What can we learn from these choreographic conditions of algae in the ocean as a space? And how can we include an animist perspective in a European legal context?

Date: 27 Apr 2023 - 19:00

Tidal zone experiences
Tidal zone experiences